Bone Clones Incorporated
February 2016 Newsletter

February can bring snow storms, blizzards, temperate and cool breezes, rain and even hot winds! Wherever you are, we hope you are doing well. Later this month we will be exhibiting at the American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS) 68th Annual Meeting and look forward to seeing you there.

Forensic Osteology Set COMP-114

We developed our newest forensic set specifically to expose students to Introductory Forensic Anthropology. COMP-114 includes twelve osteological specimens, a lesson plan, and a human skeletal features handout. Composed of different ages, sexes, ancestries, and gunshot trauma examples, the set can be used to teach a broad range of concepts in human osteology, biological anthropology, biomechanics and comparative anatomy, and to demonstrate how professional forensic anthropologists create a 'biological profile' for skeletal remains.

Economy Human Female African-American Comparative Set COMP-112 is one of eight affordable 4-piece economy human sets of different sex, ancestry and age. Other forensic sets include Bone Boxes (Child, Female and Male). We also produce an extensive Pathology and Trauma collection. We invite you to check out our website.

Economy Human Female African-American Comparative Set COMP-112


New Birds

Bone Clones Incorporated

Black-browed Albatross

Bone Clones Incorporated

Hyacinth Macaw

Bone Clones Incorporated

California Condor

Bone Clones Incorporated

Yellow-billed Magpie

We are delighted to continue to expand our Zoology collection with these four bird specimens: two feet and two skulls. These bird casts would be an excellent addition to any nature center, wildlife refuge, veterinary, zoology or ornithology program.

Bird Feet
The size, shape orientation and distribution of toes and claws can give clues to a bird's classification, diet and habitat. We are pleased to add to our collection a California Condor Foot and a Hyacinth Macaw Foot. Pictured below: other bird feet and legs.

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Bird Skulls
We now offer skulls from two species of large seabirds: the Black-browed Albatross and the Black-footed Albatross. Our Yellow-billed Magpie skull brings our Corvid count to four: Magpie, Blue Jay, Raven and American Crow. In addition to skulls, we produce Corvid eggs, talon, and a skeleton with three articulation choices. We also produce a comparative bird skull set representing varied beak morphology: BC-331-BIRD-SET5.

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Bone Clones Incorporated Bone Clones Incorporated Bone Clones Incorporated

We are always interested to hear what our customers want, and continue to search for significant material to cast, one never knows what new specimens we will be able to offer. Until next time.