February 2017 Newsletter
Forensics - AAFS Conference and Exhibit
New Products, Ancestry Sets
February - We will be exhibiting at the American Academy of Forensic Sciences conference in New Orleans February 15th - 17th, and look forward to seeing those of you who will be there.
Since last year's show, we have obtained the rights to cast some exciting new specimens, including the skull of a young man with Acromegaly. Also new is a lesson plan discussing embryological and osteological development of the fetal skull. A collaboration between Cara Davies, Ph.D. and Bone Clones, this set of four fetal skulls with lesson plan would be an excellent addition to any introductory course in embryology, physical anthropology, forensic anthropology, and bioarchaeology.
Human Male Acromegaly Skull
Human Fetal Skulls Set of 4 with Embryology Lesson Plan
Acromegaly is an endocrine disorder caused by hypersecretion of growth hormone from the pituitary gland in adulthood, after fusion of the epiphyses of the long bones. Symptoms include bone enlargement, increased thickness in the skull vault, prominent insertion points for tendons and ligaments, and extreme height. This condition usually occurs in adults, between the ages of 20 to 40. This specimen is from a 20-year-old male.
Skulls: • 20 week • 29 week • 35 week •
• 40 week with a calvarium cut •
Includes display base
Lesson Plan: The accompanying lesson plan covers embryological and osteological development; beginning with germ layer formation and concluding with osteological development, highlighting the various bones forming in each stage of the fetal skull.

Ancestry Sets: Full 1:1 and Half 1:2 Scale
These human skull sets allow for the study of characteristics suggestive of geographical ancestry (African, Asian, and European) and/or sex. Although the concept of race assessment is controversial, certain features of the skull may be of use in differentiating ancestral groups for forensic purposes.
Unless otherwise noted, all our skulls are cast from original, real bone material, and are full scale. We have chosen to reproduce these skulls in scale versions as they may be of interest to collectors and educators who are mindful of space and budget considerations. Our scale versions are created by scanning our full scale skulls, which are then printed at reduced scale, refined, and molded. Each miniature cast is hand finished.
We offer full scale and half scale version of these ancestry sets (and individual skulls). Scale versions include base(s).
We invite you to explore our website's Forensic menu or view our online catalog of Human Anatomy PDF.
Until next time...
All images and text © 2017 Bone Clones, Inc.