August 2017 Newsletter
Moving Sale
Existing Inventory: Human • Fossil Hominid • Zoological

August - Relocation is underway! We're mostly moved into our (much larger) new location. We've nearly finished installing the workstations in the manufacturing area and finalizing the displays of our Bone Clones® skulls and skeletons in the more capacious showrooms. We look forward to finally being settled and having everyone under one roof! ...however, we still have to transport our inventory!! And so, we are expanding our MOVING SALE.
When we began our company twenty-five years ago, we were inspired by an interest in osteological structures. We made a few products and moved into a few hundred square feet of shared space. Your dedication and interest - and your product requests - have helped us to grow from our original line of eight zoologcial skulls manufactured in our backyard, to a company with over 2,000 human, fossil hominid, and zoological skulls, skeletons, and allied educational products. The categories you see in our menus reflect your diverse needs. It is because of you, our customers, and our dedicated and meticulous staff, that we have grown into the company we are today.
Thank you!


We invite you to explore our website, or, if you prefer,
the online PDFs of our printed catalogs:
Catalog of Human Anatomy PDF
Catalog of Zoological Anatomy PDF
Until next time...
All images and text © 2017 Bone Clones, Inc.