Bone Clones Incorporated


March 2018 Newsletter


National Science Teachers Association Conference
NEW: Medium Bird Archaeology Set; Comparative Sets, Economy Series, Scale Series




March NSTA




"Quality Replicas For Hands-on Education"™


Human Jaw Development

Human Development Set of 5 Human Jaws (Ranging in age from 3-year-old to adult.)


At Bone Clones, Inc., we are dedicated to providing educational osteological replicas useful to science teachers. Our mission has always been to produce skulls and skeletons that are "virtually indistinguishable from the original"™. Physical examples which can be safely handled by students may help them better understand scientific theory. Students with a range of learning styles may benefit from being able to feel, compare closely, and examine Bone Clones® specimens hands-on.

We are pleased to offer a collection of casts which can be used in the field or classroom as physical and visual aids for learning a wide range of concepts.

To complement our products and provide additional resources, many of our education products are accompanied by osteological reports, hand-out sheets, and lesson plans. Our newest product, the Human Jaw Set of 5 (above) features an osteological report for each skull from which the jaw was obtained. Our Forensic Osteology Set includes twelve replica bones, a Human Skeletal Features handout, and a 10-page lesson plan (right).

Half Scale Primate Skull Set

Half Scale Set of 7 Primate Skulls (quarter not included, pictured for scale)

Forensic Osteology Set

Forensic Osteology Set
12 Replica Bones
10-page Lesson Plan
Skeletal Features Handout

We continue to develop products for inclusion in our Economy Series (tooled and stained for value), comparative sets spanning multiple categories (which provide a savings as compared to individual purchase), and Scale Series, all of which allow for affordable investigation of skeletal morphology.

Predator-Prey Comparative Set


Economy Series


Scale Series

Predator-Prey Comparison Economy Skull Set


Economy Series


Scale Series



This set of three bones (femur, tibiotarsus, tarsometatarsus) belonging to a raven provides an excellent source for field identification of found specimens. Identification of species is crucial in accurately interpreting archeological remains. The set may be used in the field, as well as for teaching purposes in a classroom or mock excavation.

Zoological remains in or near archaeological sites give evidence of past environmental and cultural conditions, and help define a picture of the past. The presence of birds may indicate domestication, or, in the case of the highly intelligent raven (or crow), scavenging the results of human activity. While ravens prefer rural and wild areas, they have been known to foray into human inhabited areas that border their habitat.

Medium Bird Archaeology Set Medium Bird
Archaeology Set


Within Bioarchaeology, our newest category, is the subcategory Zooarchaeology.

Zooarchaeology is the study of the interaction between animals and humans in the archaeological record. Human interaction with animals is one of the few commonalities that can be explored across all cultures throughout history and prehistory. Animal remains found in this context give insight into how humans used the surrounding environment for agriculture, hunting and gathering, settlements, domestication of animals and rituals.

We have included in this category animal bones and eggs that may be commonly found in historic and archaeological sites, may be of educational value in a classroom setting, and useful as identification aids in the field. The ability to identify species, individual bones, pathology (or lack thereof), and trauma, associated with found bones and/or bone fragments is essential to archaeological interpretation.






The study and comparative analysis of limbs provides an opportunity to explore subjects such as: evolution, convergence, divergence, homology, analogy, functional usage, environmental adaptation, and locomotion. Click here to go to our limbs webpage which illustrates some of the possibilities and includes links to pictured products and printable handouts. You can also print the handouts from here by clicking below.


Comparative Forelimb Handout



Comparative Forelimbs:
Homologous vs. Analogous and Divergent vs. Convergent
The Pentadactyl Tetrapod Limb
(4-page Handout)



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We invite you to explore our website, or, if you prefer, the online PDFs of our printed catalogs.
Please note that our newer products are only viewable online - please see our New Products category.

Catalog of Human Anatomy PDF
Catalog of Zoological Anatomy PDF

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Until next time...

All images and text © 2018 Bone Clones, Inc.