Osteology plays a significant role in identifying remains encountered at crime scenes and war-devastated regions all over the world. Specialists, such as forensic anthropologists, use their knowledge of forensic osteology to determine sex, ancestry, stature, identifying characteristics, approximate age at death and possible cause of death. Evidence of trauma and/or illness can also provide valuable clues. Bone Clones has been able to use its expertise in reproducing the finest details of skeletonized material to create Forensiclones™ a collection of skulls and skeletons that are specifically suited for this area of study.
Forensiclones™ replicas can help in understanding events that transpired with no reliable witnesses to shed light on them. Cast from original natural bone material that experts have analyzed, these specimens may be useful in the field and in educational settings.
Specimens include examples of pathology and trauma, age and sex assessment, and of ethnic ancestry. Subcategories include: Skulls, Skeletons, Cranial Elements, Postcranial Elements, Sets, Hrdlicka and Stanford-Meyers Collections, and Accessories.
We are exhibiting at the American Academy of Forensic Scientists (AAFS) Meeting.
Please stop by to say hello!
Exhibit Dates: February 19th thru February 21st
Location: Anaheim Convention Center @Booths 419 & 420
800 W. Katella Ave., Anaheim, CA 92802
Human Craniometric Landmark Skull
BC-345 ..................................... $475
This detailed skull with etched craniometric landmarks is designed to clarify a challenging aspect of anthropology - the identification and location of craniometric landmarks.
Etched into the skull are over 100 cranial and mandibular landmarks with their precise location and number. Etched numbers correspond to detailed lists in the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) document which is included as a free download and contains original landmark definitions from Langley et al.'s (2016) Data Collection Procedures 2.0 (taken from Howells (1973) and Martin and Knussmann (1988)).
Human Femur
Growth Set
COMP-117 ................... $325
Studying the process of growth in the femur aids in the identification of bones, understanding of trauma and pathology analysis, and estimating the age of an individual.
The human femur is the largest and strongest bone in the body and begins to develop early on in fetal development. Because of its strength and robustness, it is frequently recovered in forensic, archaeological and paleontological settings.
Human Sacrum
Growth Set
COMP-118 ................... $325
Studying the process of growth in the sacrum aids in the identification of bones, understanding of trauma and pathology analysis, and estimating the age of an individual.
In the adult human sacrum, there are 5 vertebra that fuse to form the sacrum, and this forms the center of pelvic girdle. The sacrum is wider at the top (S1-S2) where weight is distributed, while the rest of the sacral vertebrae reduce in size.
Human Male and Female Skulls:
African, Asian, and European
COMP-120-SET ..................................... $1,395
This human skull set allows for the study of characteristics suggestive of geographical ancestry (African, Asian, and European) and/or sex. This set consists of 3 male and 3 female skulls, which are also available as separate sets (male: COMP-121- SET, female: COMP-122-SET) as well as individual skulls. Although the concept of race assessment is controversial, certain features of the skull may be of use in differentiating ancestral groups for forensic purposes. Some key traits for the analysis of geographical ancestry include palatal shape, maxillary incisor shape, profile, presence or absence of nasal spine, and shape of nasal sill, among others. Key features for sex analysis include size of mastoid process, shape of chin, angle of ramus, shape and contour of forehead, among others.
Human Magnetic Foot,
Right, on Base
Created to demonstrate articulation of the individual bones of the foot.
An innovative concept that adds a dynamic component to the study of hand and foot anatomy. Strategically built-in magnets help guide the assembly as students learn about the intricate features of the individual bones and their articulations. All but the phalanges are completely separable in this unique ©Magnetic Foot.
Human Hand in Resting Pose on Brass Stand
Articulated to demonstrate the naturally held position at rest and when walking.
The study of comparative primate hands can yield insight into many areas of investigation through many disciplines: from K-12 to upper level work in the fields of evolution, biology, locomotion, and physical anthropology.
Opposable thumbs allow a wide range of tool use for hunting, gathering, artistry, balance, communication, and a myriad of other activities.
Human Child 14 to 16-month-old Half Skeleton Disarticulated
SC-187-DH ..................................... $880
Half of our Human 14 to 16-month-old Child Skeleton SC-187, completely disarticulated. All of the bones are associated. The hand and foot (from the right side) are disarticulated.
Our 14 to 16-month-old child skeleton demonstrates the unfused epiphyses of the long bones, and the cartilaginous margins of many of the bones at this age of development. The age of this skeleton has been defined using a combination of measurements and landmarks. The metopic suture is almost completely closed. The atlas is in three parts, and the axis is in four parts. The rest of the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar vertebrae are in two parts (arch and body). The first 3 sacral vertebrae are in 5 parts each. The hyoid is in three parts. In the foot, the calcaneus, talus, and cuboid are all identifiable by form.
An osteological evaluation report is available for print and download on the product page. Individual bones, limbs, extremities, and storage/carry cases are also available, please see the SC-187 Group Page.
Female Asian Skeleton Disarticulated
SC-211-D ..................................... $1,495
This complete human Asian female disarticulated skeleton is greater than 30 years of age. Osteologic features suggestive of female sex include the relative gracility of bony prominences, single frontal boss, smooth nasion and a round anteroinferior mandible.
The hand and foot of the right side are disarticulated. The hand and foot of the left side are articulated, rigid. For an additional $40, we can substitute the skull with a Calvarium Cut Skull. Please add this to the comments section during the order process, or call our toll free number, 800-914-0091, to order.
An osteological evaluation report is available for print and download on the product page. All Individual bones, as well as limbs, extremities, and storage/carry cases are also available, please see the SC-211 Group Page.
Bone Clones Incorporated | 800-914-0091 (U.S. only) | 818-709-7991