In answer to your questions: yes, we do sell individual bones from our skeletons.
Individual bones and sets of bones can be found throughout our website.
Individual Postcranial Bones: The "Group" tab
The Group tab features a range of products available from a specific skeleton, including individual postcranial bones, sets of bones, arms, legs, hands, feet, and skull. Here's how to find a product's "group" tab.
From the first four dropdown menus on the white row: to visit a specific "Group" page select "Skeletons" (If there is a secondary dropdown, select "all"). This selection links to a page of available product groups within that category. Highlighted above: the "SC-092 Group" tab for the page featuring products available from our Human Male Asian Skeleton. Scroll to the bottom of the page for individual bone products from this skeleton. Selecting "Skeletons" from the last two menus on the white row, or selecting a subcategory other than "all" links to a listing of products.
From the product page of any product being a member of a group of products: to visit that product's "Group" page select the "Product Group" tab to the right of the currently highlighted "Product Info" tab. Highlighted above: the "Group" tab on our Orangutan Pelvis, Articulated product page. Individual bones are listed towards the bottom of the group page.

As we continue to expand our product line, we are struck by interconnectedness of species, and the expanding fields of inquiry that study them - ranging from wide angle overviews (ecosystems, human/animal interdependencies) to highly focused specializations (pathological conditions found in ancient human and animal remains, the dentition of human and non-human primates, past and present).
Individual Postcranial Bones: The Elements menu
For those interested in comparative anatomy, our Elements menu organizes products by type rather than species. In the example below, we navigated to the subcategory comparative limbs, Elements> Postcranial Elements>Limbs, and can now select a link to products of interest.
Individual postcranial bones relating to a specific menu category can be found by clicking on that menu's "Postcranial Elements" link. The following categories contain postcranial elements links: Elements, Human Anatomy, Zoology, Fossil Hominids, Non-Human Primates, Paleontology, & Forensics.

We hope you will enjoy exploring.
Bone Clones Incorporated | 800-914-0091 (U.S. only) | 818-709-7991