b'Tproducts,organizedbycategories, his catalog is an all-in-one presentation of Bone Clones sub-categories,andsynchronizedwiththe format of our website: www.boneclones.comWith economy and conservation in mind, we have opted for a compact version of our catalog, which will list all products, but limit the photographs and graphic portions. By accessing our website you will be able to see photos and descriptions of each item.Wecontinuallyintroduceneweducationalideasand productsonourwebsite,andkeepyouinformedof developments via monthly newsletters and social media. Fromthebeginning,ourmissionhasbeento produce osteological reproductions that are virtually indistinguishable from the original. Known for detail, outstandingquality,anddurability,BoneClones havebeeninstrumentalinthechoicethatisnow availablebetweennaturalboneandreplicasfor hands-on learning.Ofgreatvaluetoeducatorsinclassroomsand museumsworldwide,weproduceanextensive selectionofskullandskeletoncaststhatmay beinstructiveindisciplinesfromanatomyto zoology.Dave KronenCo-Founder, Bone Clones, Inc.All Bone Clones products in this catalog are produced and handmade by Bone Clones, Inc. in the USA and are protected under State, Federal and International trademark laws. Photographs, text, descriptions or casts cannot be reproduced without the written consent of Bone Clones, Inc. Please note that prices are subject to change without notice.'