b'Fossil Hominid: H. ergaster, A. ramidusHomo ergaster Skeleton, KNM-WT 15000Ardipithecus ramidusNariokotome Boy or Turkana BoyArdipithecus ramidusSkull6 L, 5 W, 5 HBH-039$ 395 4.4 MYA. Ardipithecus ramidus The partial skeleton ARA VP- 6/500 is considered by many to be the oldest skeleton of a supposed human ancestor. TimWhiteandteampublishedtheir1994discoveryin 2009. The pelvis indicates musculature for tree climbing and the ability of upright walking. The wrist bones indicate quadrupedal locomotion as opposed to knuckle walking.Disarticulated Articulated(Stand and Base Included)60 Tall on 18 Diameter Base1.6 MYA. Discovered in Nariokotome, Kenya.1.6MYA.BoneClonesreconstructed ThecompletenessoftheskullallowedtheNariokotomeBoyorTurkana scientists to get accurate measurements ofBoyskeletonbyusingbonesfrom brain size.Many other skeletal parts werethedisarticulatedversion,whichwere alsorecovered,givinganthropologistsabased on the original find.In addition, greatdealofinformationregardingbodybyextrapolatingfrompublisheddata, size,limbproportions,approximateagerelationships to other bones, and partial of death (early adolescence) and whetherbonefragments,wereconstructed ornotlanguagewaspossible.Skeletonseveralvertebraeandthesternum, isprovideddisarticulatedalongwithapainting these black to differentiate themSC-039-184-AHand, Assembled $320numbered photo. from the found bones.We used brassSC-039-184-DHand, Disarticulated $260parts to indicate other missing bones. SC-039-185-AFoot, Assembled$320SC-012-D.$3,600 SC-039-185-DFoot, Disarticulated .$260SC-012-F Femur $135 SC-012-A $6,200 SC-039-PDPelvis, Disarticulated $350www.boneclones.com 31'