Fossil Hominid Sets

Fossil hominid sets are a convenient collection of Bone Clones replicas for the anthropology, paleoanthropology, and archaeology laboratories. Sets included sculpted busts by Atelier Daynes, hominin skulls, post-cranial hominin elements, stone tools and 1:2 scale primate skulls.

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    All items sold on this website are replicas and are 1:1 scale unless stated otherwise. All Bone Clones® products are made in the USA. No real/natural bone is available on this site.    

Comparative Foot Evolution, Set of 4 Comparative Hand Evolution, Set of 4 Set of 7 Primate Skulls with Lesson Plan
Set of 7 Primate Skulls
Set of 7 Primate Skulls, Half Scale Fossil Hominids Set of 6 Skulls
Set of 9 Fossil Hominid Skulls Set of 4 Hominid Skulls, Half Scale Neanderthal and Modern Human Comparative Pelvis, Femur, Humerus Set
Neanderthal and Modern Human Comparative Hyoid Set Neanderthal Pelvis Femur and Humerus Set Neanderthal Skull Pelvis Femur and Humerus Set
Australopithecus anamensis Set Australopithecus africanus Sts 14 Pelvis Homo erectus KNM-ER 1481 Knee Joint
Homo erectus Femur and partial Tibia Reconstruction Human Knee Joint, Disarticulated Set of 4th Metatarsals from Human, AL 333-160 A. afarensis, Chimpanzee and Gorilla
Australopithecus afarensis A.L. 129 1a and 1b  Knee Joint Set of 6 Neanderthal Mousterian Industry Tools Set of 21 Neanderthal Tools
Set of 6 Fossil Hominid Tools from East Africa Fossil Hominid Tools set of 6 Ardipithecus ramidus Pelvis, Disarticulated
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