Fossil Mammal Skulls

All mammals share at least three physical characteristics; hair, three ear bones (incus, malleus, and stapes) and the ability to produce milk. They are one of the most diverse classes of animals in the world with an enormous range in size, dietary preference, and behavior. Below one will find skull replicas of fossil mammals from the late Eocene to the early Pleistocene, including several genera of saber-toothed cats, a cave bear, a fossil hyena and a wooly mammoth.

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    All items sold on this website are replicas and are 1:1 scale unless stated otherwise. All Bone Clones® products are made in the USA. No real/natural bone is available on this site.    

Sabertooth Cat, Smilodon Skull Antique Finish Sabertooth Cat, Smilodon Skull Tarpit Finish Sabertooth Cat, Smilodon Skull, 1:3 Scale
American Lion Skull Antique Finish American Lion Skull Tarpit Finish Dire Wolf Skull Antique Finish
Dire Wolf Skull Tarpit Finish Dinictis Skull
Sabertooth Cat, Deluxe Smilodon Skull Antique Finish
Sabertooth Cat, Deluxe Smilodon Skull Tarpit Finish Giant Fossil Beaver Skull Antique Finish Giant Fossil Beaver Skull Tarpit Finish
Sabertooth Cat, Chinese Amphimachairodus giganteus Skull Sabertooth Cat, South American Smilodon populator Skull Cave Lion Skull
Sabertooth Cat, Chinese Megantereon nihowanensis Skull Sabertooth Cat, Xenosmilus hodsonae Skull Short-faced Bear Skull
Sabertooth Cat, Juvenile Amphimachairodus giganteus Skull Cave Bear Skull
Woolly Mammoth Skull
Woolly Mammoth Tusks (Pair) Woolly Mammoth Tusk (Single) Giant Fossil Armadillo Skull
Giant Fossil Hyena Skull Ancestral Tiger  Panthera zdanskyi  Skull Bison antiquus Skull
Bison antiquus Skull with Stand Fossil Dugong Skull
Sabertooth Cat,  Homotherium cf. crenatidens  Skull
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