
Paleopathology is the study of disease and trauma of both once-living human and non-human remains in the archaeological record. Abnormal conditions found on bone are a chance to explore biomedical issues of a given population and expands our knowledge of the effects of disease on skeletal tissue. The information gathered can give insight into intragroup and intergroup interactions, physical activity, physiological stress, and prevalence of particular diseases.

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    All items sold on this website are replicas and are 1:1 scale unless stated otherwise. All Bone Clones® products are made in the USA. No real/natural bone is available on this site.    

Human Calvarium with  hyperostosis frontalis interna Human Male Hydrocephalic Skull Human Male Acromegaly Skull
Human Adult Remote Hip Fracture Comparative Lumbar Vertebra Set of 10 (Arthritic and Normal) Human Adult Female Femur, Osteoporosis Comparative Set
Human 68-year-old Male Ossified Set Human 65-year-old Male Sacrum and L-5 fused Human 68-year-old Male Fused  C-4 Through T-3 and 2 Ribs
Human 68-year-old Male Ossified Hyoid Human Child Vertebrae, Ribs and Sacrum, Scoliosis Human Sternum with Anomaly
C-7 Vertebra, Cervical Ribs and Humeri, Pathological Human Female Skull, Blunt Force Trauma Skull Trauma Set of Six Fragments
Human Fracture Set
Human Male Skull with Machete Wounds Spanish Conquistador Human Skull with Broad Ax Trauma
Peruvian Male Skull with Cranial Binding and Trephination Human Healed Trauma Skull Healed Left Tibia Fracture
Healed Right Fibula Fracture Human Female, Blunt Force Trauma - Innominate Deer Jaws Comparative Pathology Set
Goat Cannon Bones (metatarsals) Comparative Pathology Set Coyote Tibiae and Fibulae Comparative Pathology Set
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