Forensic Anthropology K-12 Set

In the continued effort to create innovative and stimulating STEM curriculum, Bone Clones has collaborated with KIMSeattle (Kids In Medicine) to create this Career-connected Classroom ™ forensic anthropology set for the K-12 classroom. Based on a historical forensic crime, this innovative set merges physical anthropology (osteology & skeletal interpretation) and archaeology for a captivating interdisciplinary approach to exploring forensic anthropology. Based on the assassination of the "Last Czar of Russia" and his family (the Romanovs), this curriculum appeals to student imagination and intellect while crossing subject boundaries into world history/social studies. This scenario-based learning lab lends awareness to a multitude of anthropology-related careers, not typically recognized by students.
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    All items sold on this website are replicas and are 1:1 scale unless stated otherwise. All Bone Clones® products are made in the USA. No real/natural bone is available on this site.