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California Sea Lion Skull
BC-343 $387.00
A sleek and agile marine mammal, with dark brown fur and a torpedo-like body, the California sea lion can often be seen resting in colonies, noisily barking and sitting upon each other. They are a common sight in harbors, on buoys and docks along the coasts and shores of Vancouver Island, BC, California, Mexico, islands of the Galapagos and Japan. This pinniped is a member of the eared seal family (Otariidae), which differs from true seals (Phocids) in having external ear flaps, larger front flippers used for propulsion, a tail, and the ability to bring all four flippers underneath their body to "walk" on land. There is pronounced sexual dimorphism among sea lions – males are larger, heavier and have a sagittal crest running along their skull. This specimen is cast from a large male. An examination of a sea lion’s teeth can reveal the age of its owner due to changes in length, size, color (which turns from white to black as they age), and number of dentine layers at the roots of their canine teeth. Their incisors have a bicuspid form which aids in grabbing food. While listed as "Least Concerned" on the IUCN Red List, in the United States these animals are fully protected under the Marine Mammal Protection Act.
2-part skull (separate cranium & jaw).
Jaw available individually as well, please inquire.
Scientific Name | Catalogue # | Size | Price |
Zalophus californianus | BC-343 | 11" L x 6 ½" W x 6 ¼" H 28.2L x 16.6W X 16H (cm) | $387.00 |
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