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Forensic Anthropology Lesson Plan
BC-KIM-LP $361.00

Lesson Plan Only (printed and digital material)


In the continued effort to create innovative and stimulating STEM curriculum, Bone Clones has collaborated with KIMSeattle (Kids In Medicine & Science) to create this Career-connected Classroom™ forensic anthropology set for the K-12 classroom.

What's Included (for 12 lab groups)

Career-connected Classroom™

Teacher's Guide (Printed, Color, 21 Pages)
Slide Deck & Lecture Notes (34-slide Download)
Student Protocols (Printed, Laminated, Color)
Student Data Sheets (Download)
Reference Tables (Printed, Laminated, Color)
Scientific Name Catalogue # Size Price
Lesson Plan BC-KIM-LP - $361.00
TOTAL 361.00