All items sold on this website are replicas and are 1:1 scale unless stated otherwise. All Bone Clones® products are made in the USA. No real/natural bone is available on this site.    

SC-287 Group Product Info


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Human Male Robust Asian Skeleton, Articulated
SC-287-A $2,725.00

(Durable stand on wheels included)

Our human male Asian robust skeleton is from an adult individual whose age was likely between 23 and 35 at his demise. This relatively narrow age range is based on the fact that all developmental changes are complete, but very few degenerational changes have begun. The skeleton is exemplary of an extremely muscular body. The deltoid tuberosities are large and the humeral torsion is impressive. All of the bones are very dense. The skull BC-287 displays extreme male traits: The supraorbital ridge is large, the supraorbital margin is rounded, and the jaw is massive. The gonial angle is close to 90 degrees and strongly flared. Estimated height is 5'6" by extrapolation from femoral length. An osteological evaluation report is available for print and download here: SC-287-A-Report.

All individual postcranial bones are also available. See the SC-287 Group Page.

Scientific Name Catalogue # Size Price
Homo sapiens SC-287-A 5'6" Tall $2,725.00
TOTAL 2,725.00