All items sold on this website are replicas and are 1:1 scale unless stated otherwise. All Bone Clones® products are made in the USA. No real/natural bone is available on this site.    

BC-300 Group Product Info


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Human Medical Study Skull, Disarticulated
BC-300-D $1,334.00

(Case Included)

In order to develop this skull properly, we solicited the advice of educators, anatomists and surgeons. We are grateful for their assistance and have chosen the following evaluation from Dr. Noel Boaz, Professor of Anatomy.

"This skull is ideal for osteological teaching. It allows the student to appreciate the individual bones, the sutures between the bones, and the foramina of the skull. All foramina are bristle-patent, making student exploration of perforating cranial nerve branches and blood vessels possible. For the medical or dental student this skull is an excellent companion to head-and-neck dissection. For the physical anthropology student this skull is an invaluable learning tool for appreciating anatomical landmarks and cranial morphology. For research, the skull is an invaluable laboratory reference for detailed forensic anthropological, paleoanthropological, and anatomical investigations. Its preparation offers a number of advantages over other cranial models and even over real bone skulls. Museum-quality casting procedures preserve minute surface detail with the appearance and texture of real bone. There are no casting "flash lines" that can obscure detail. The skull is much more durable and will withstand much more handling than real bone. All foramina have been rendered patent, allowing even small branches of nerves and small blood vessels to be traced through this skull. The skull is particularly useful in tracing the many branches of the trigeminal nerve, in understanding the course of cranial parasympathetic nerves and the location of their ganglia, and in reviewing the bony relationships of the branches of the maxillary artery. Many of these foramina in real skulls are too narrow to admit the passage of a bristle or fine probe. At a competitive price compared to real skulls of good quality, this skull also is not subject to international regulations governing human subjects, sourcing, and donor authorization." - Noel T. Boaz, Ph.D., M.D., Professor of Anatomy

This skull is finely detailed, showing all the foramina, canals, sutures and minute details of a real skull. A report by Dr. Boaz titled "Osteological Tracing of Cranial Nerves" is available for print and download: BC-300-D-Report. "Bristle through bone: An osteological model approach to teaching the cranial nerves and foramina" (Download Here) was presented at the American Association of Anatomists/ Experimental Biology meeting in April 2006 by Noel Boaz and David Kronen.

BC-300-D comes in a premium custom case for protection and archival durability.

An articulated version of this skull and individual bones are also available, click here.

Scientific Name Catalogue # Size Price
Homo sapiens BC-300-D - $1,334.00
TOTAL 1,334.00