All items sold on this website are replicas and are 1:1 scale unless stated otherwise. All Bone Clones® products are made in the USA. No real/natural bone is available on this site.    

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Comparative Bird Foot Set
COMP-156 $644.00

(Stands & Bases Shown in the Photos are Included)

Our Comparative bird feet set features four incredibly detailed, anatomically accurate specimens, molded directly from real specimens.

Avian feet differ widely depending on their function, which can include perching, locomotion, grasping-carrying-holding objects, wading, swimming, among others.

This set offers an opportunity to compare similarities and differences in morphology between birds occupying similar or diverse ecological niches.

This set includes the following products, also available individually (discounted when purchased as a set):
California Condor Foot KO-138
Harpy Eagle Leg KO-243
Hyacinth Macaw Foot KO-139
Wattled Crane Half Leg KO-134-H

Scientific Name Catalogue # Size Price
Set COMP-156 Set $644.00
TOTAL 644.00