All items sold on this website are replicas and are 1:1 scale unless stated otherwise. All Bone Clones® products are made in the USA. No real/natural bone is available on this site.    

SC-211 Group Product Info


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Human Female Asian Skeleton, Articulated
SC-211-A $2,725.00

(Durable Stand on Wheels Included)

This complete human Asian female articulated skeleton is greater than 30 years of age. With the diminished availability of natural bone skeletons, Bone Clones® products are increasingly used in advanced anatomical and osteological instruction. Osteologic features suggestive of female sex include the relative gracility of bony prominences, single frontal boss, smooth nasion and a round anteroinferior mandible. For an additional $40, we can substitute the skull with a Calvarium Cut Skull. Please add this to the comments section during the order process, or call our toll free number, 800-914-0091, to order.

All individual postcranial bones are also available, See the SC-211 Group Page.

Scientific Name Catalogue # Size Price
Homo sapiens SC-211-A 5' tall $2,725.00
TOTAL 2,725.00